Sure, cats make great companions and funny YouTube videos. But is having a cat actually hurting the lifespan of your furnace and air conditioner?
It may be.
That litter box is not very furnace-friendly, and the dust from cat litter isn’t doing your air quality any favors. Fortunately, you can take steps to solve this problem – a problem you probably didn’t even know existed.
The issues
If your cat’s little box is located too close to the furnace, dust and odor from your litter box can get into your furnace and blown throughout the house’s ductwork.
Litter dust also can build up on the flame sensor and stop your furnace from turning on when needed. The flame sensor tells the system that fire is present when needed. If no flame is detected, the furnace will shut down.
Litter and dust can also form a layer of film on the indoor air conditioning coil. This layer can stop the coil from transferring heat properly and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner over time.
Another problem is corrosion, which is caused when cat urine gets onto your ductwork. This can lead to holes in your ductwork which in turn allows air to escape and increases your energy bill.
How to protect your system
Don’t worry. You can keep the cat. But what should you do about this problem?
The first step is to move the litter box (as well as any corrosive materials like paint, gasoline and solvents) away from the furnace and utility room. If you must keep the litter box in the same room as your furnace, put it as far away as possible.
Also put a cover on the litter box to reduce the amount of dust that can get into the air.
Finally, if you do have a cat, it’s essential to have your furnace and air conditioner serviced regularly. Kohles and Bach offers a yearly maintenance plan that includes cleaning your furnace in fall and your air conditioner in the spring.
Sign up today to keep your system running efficiently.
And to keep your cat in the house.